
Showing posts from March, 2018

Glory Days and Going Places with the All New Datsun Go

For many South Africans, the word Datsun conjures up fond memories of the first car they ever owned, the first taste of mobility, freedom and adventure on the long open road. Whether it was a Super Sport Sedan, the so called SSS, that made them feel like a race car driver, or a station wagon with room for the whole family, and the dog, on a never-ending road trip full of fun and games! Datsun definitely has a special place in the collective memory of South African road users. With the modernised Datsun GO , you can now relive those special memories. But let’s take look at the company’s long, colourful history. Looking back For anything to last more than a century, they must be doing something right! DAT GO (meaning the Dat Car) originated in Japan around the time World War I broke out in 1914. The word DAT is made up of the first letters of the three financiers’ names, namely Den, Aoyama and Takeuchi. Fortunately, it also means ‘lighting fast’ (or ‘to dash off like a st...